Chapter 26
An attempt to regain the meaning of Jesus' teaching
Here I analyze the true teaching of Jesus Christ, first modifying the first words of the Prologue presented by John the Evangelist: "In the beginning was Love, and Love was with God, and He was Love. She was with God at the very beginning. Everything was made through Her, and without Her nothing was made that was made. In her was life, and life was the light of men. In this way, I propose to re-present the mission of Jesus Christ.
The greatest difficulty for me in recovering the true content of the gospel was the low reliability of the biblical records regarding the facts of Jesus' life. This also applies to His statements and teachings. Unable to find verified accounts written by direct witnesses of Jesus' life, I first focused on the period when numerous testimonies had already been written down. They were used three hundred years after Jesus' departure by Emperor Constantine I, who called a meeting of religious leaders preaching the various gods who operated in his empire. The emperor realized that great empires could be more stable if they had one strong religion. Meanwhile, during his reign, the Roman Empire experienced conflicts and internal struggles that threatened the collapse of its empire. Thus, a strong religion supporting political power in the form of a "throne and altar alliance" may have helped him maintain a strong central power. Searching for a single state religion, the emperor paid special attention to the development of the religion, which was started by a humble teacher living in Israel three hundred years before him. That is why he especially invited to this congress representatives of religious groups preaching the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, because many of them treated Him as the messenger of God, or even the Son of God. This meeting was called the Council of Nicaea. After many days of heated discussions, arrangements were made regarding the story about Jesus, that is, the official version of His teaching and deeds was adopted. These texts were called the Gospel. As a result of these findings, the Christian religion was formed and assumed a dominant position in the then Roman Empire. During this council, many doctrines that had been adopted in other ancient religions were used. Based on various religious concepts, the personality of the Son of God was changed, uniting Him with the Person of God the Creator and the Holy Spirit, which in subsequent councils consolidated the Image of God in the form of the Holy Trinity. Other rules were established in a similar way, "bending" the true teachings of the Son of God to suit the needs of the religious authorities. Unfortunately, after these findings, most of the source documents from the period preceding this council were destroyed. Such conduct casts a shadow over all his findings.
The essenceism system established that the Son of God did not conduct his mission in order to bestow Him with worship, but so that we would have a guide in the fight against Satan. Besides, no man, not even the Son of God, should be given a cult, because every cult has nothing to do with the concept originating from the Creator. The phenomenon of cult comes from Satan, or more precisely from the mechanism of power he initiated. It was he who, replacing the Creator, introduced the cult of himself and those who serve him. Therefore, every cult leads to "unconscious" serving Satan within the framework of the religion he counters.
The essenceism system, examining the entire period of Jesus' life, showed that He was an authentic person. He can be treated as a wandering teacher who had to pass on the most important knowledge in the history of the world. Probably already at the age of a dozen or so he realized that he was the "Second Adam", that is, he was a man without any bond with Satan and linked by filiation with the Heavenly Father. Therefore, he understood that he was the savior of humanity awaited by the Jewish nation, who, having the personality of the Son of God, could remove the illegal "ruler of this world" from the earthly reality. Most likely, from his youth until adulthood, he wandered around Asia, teaching people in various places. He ended this part of His life, as many prophets did, with a period of solitary abode in the wilderness. This final preparatory episode for the mission culminated in a spiritual duel with Satan, described to us as temptation in the desert. Then He showed His superiority over Satan, so He was ready for His mission. To make this credible, and to better understand the life of Jesus, I analyzed the information about His temptation by Satan in the desert. He must have once told this incident to His disciples. Based on the knowledge obtained from contemporary analysts of Israeli culture and religion, it is possible to assume that Jesus authored this story with some certainty. This also results from the mission of angels given to them by the Creator. In addition, it also results from essenceism analyzes regarding the existence of a spiritual person in every person, from the position of Satan as the "god of this world", as well as from the mission of the Son of God who, as the Second Adam, is the only effective opponent of the fallen Archangel Lucifer.
I claim that the Son of God, in His short mission, presented to people the truth about the state of the world. It is a pity that only some of His words have reached our times unchanged. Jesus, trying to regain the proper reality for people lost at the beginning of history, most strongly opposed the religious hierarchs, claiming that they carried out the will of the "god of this world". He also distanced himself from the rich and politicians, knowing that they use the power of power coming from the "ruler of this world." This designation of Satan used by Jesus indicates that he was constantly reminding us of the existence of Satan as the "current god" of humanity. He saw that people, unaware of their situation, worshiped Satan, being sure that they served the True God. No wonder Israel's Satan-controlled clergy quickly passed the death sentence on Him.
Jesus certainly had a lot to say, because as a man born without any connection with Satan, i.e. the Son of God, he had full knowledge of the state of the world that the Creator had prepared for humanity. He proclaimed that the Heavenly Father is in Heaven, i.e. in His reality, and therefore that He is not here with us on Earth, i.e. in our world. He also knew that each of us is eternal thanks to the eternal spiritual person received at birth directly from the Creator. This knowledge, compared to the reality at that time, was so revolutionary that it is hardly surprising that the leadership of Israel attributed to him the personality of a revolutionary. In fact, His knowledge was diametrically opposed to that of the Israelite hierarchs and scribes. Therefore, Jesus regarded them as servants of Satan who had little in common with God, whom He called Heavenly Father. At that time, calling Yahweh by any name or term was completely forbidden. Even more so, referring to the Creator as the Father of each of us and ourselves as His Son was completely unacceptable not only by religious leaders, but also by ordinary citizens of Israel at that time.
Therefore, the most difficult claim for the then leaders and citizens of Israel to accept was Jesus' claim that their father is Satan, i.e. that they do the will of the one who has been the source of lies from the beginning of human history. No wonder he was murdered for these claims. When they killed Him, the Israelite hierarchs did not foresee that He would appear after death. By this "appearance", He testified very strongly that, being unable to save the world from evil, He limited His achievements only to the redemption of spiritual persons, people entering the spiritual world after physical death. Additionally, His ascension "to heaven" or "going to the Father" is a teaching about the eternity of not only His spiritual person, but also the spiritual person of every human being.
Therefore, the most difficult claim for the then leaders and citizens of Israel to accept was Jesus' claim that their father is Satan, i.e. that they do the will of the one who has been the source of lies from the beginning of human history. When they killed Him, the Israelite hierarchs did not foresee that He would appear after death. By this "appearance", He testified very strongly that, being unable to save the world from evil, He limited His achievements only to the redemption of spiritual persons, people entering the spiritual world after physical death. Additionally, His ascension "to heaven" or "going to the Father" is a teaching about the eternity of not only His spiritual person, but also the spiritual person of every human being.
Jesus repeatedly explained to the apostles His position towards the Heavenly Father. Of course, He could openly talk about God as His Father, because He was and is the One who, after the defeat of the first people in the Garden of Eden, became the authentic Son of God. He confirmed and strengthened this position as a result of overcoming the dramatic temptation in the desert after fasting for forty days. So it's worth better understanding why this had to happen. I explain the meaning of this event below. Here they are:
Evil arose when Adam and Eve accepted the words of Archangel Lucifer and put them into action. This event was witnessed by some angels. They participated in the creation of evil, along with the main actors of the events in the Garden of Eden. The Creator and most of the angels, who had nothing to do with this tragedy, know only good as the original state of humanity. Jesus' goal, then, was to show what the true state of the world should be. Therefore, he undertook a kind of duel with Satan. Unlike Adam and Eve, he not only did not accept the words from the fallen Archangel positively, but also completely rejected all his proposals. Once he had done this, he confirmed the position of the regenerated Adam, which meant the status of the Son of God. In this state, in accordance with the concept of the order of universe, all God's angels began to be subject to Him. This opened the way for them to support His mission to free humanity from Satan's rule.
Jesus was the one who represented the high spiritual level of the Son of God. This threatened Satan's dominant position, because he remained in a state suitable for an archangel. This was the range that Archangel Lucifer could have had at the time of his fall in the Garden of Eden. People have never exceeded this range because their bad "educator" prevented them from doing so. Therefore, there had to be a confrontation in the desert between the Second Adam, i.e. Jesus, and the former Archangel. It showed the advantage of Jesus, the Son of God, over the wisest of archangels. Of course, Satan did not physically take Jesus anywhere in this confrontation, neither to the top of the temple nor to the top of a high mountain. Jesus was in the same place in the desert. Satan only presented him with some of his spiritual visions, in which Jesus agreed to engage. In other words, they were like virtual illustrations or images of thoughts put into appropriate words that could be heard by the spiritual senses of both parties. This is how spiritual beings, i.e. angels and spiritual people, communicate. Satan introduced Jesus to his vision, which he illustrated with the image of the top of the temple and the top of a high mountain. Such images, similar to the reality we know, appeal most to the imagination of people living on Earth. Apart from proving the superiority of the Son of God over the fallen Archangel, this entire event in the desert has the character of a lecture about the spiritual world. First of all, it brings basic knowledge about how to act in this reality. After the "duel" between Jesus and Satan, the angels serving Him appeared. With their attitude towards the victorious Son of God, they emphasized the higher spiritual level of Jesus than themselves. This is the level that every person should strive for so that angels can serve him.
Despite limited possibilities, I had to use the analysis of the essenceism system and the theory of eternal existence to recover the knowledge that Jesus Christ really left behind. The first knowledge regained is that the Son of God was a man, although his origins differed from us. He did not, like all of us, have a fallen nature inherited from Satan. This was brought about by the great determination of a long chain of figures of the Old Testament period. For thousands of years, the sacrifice of life, boundless faith and will of such figures as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and many other people up to John the Baptist, led to the "pure" birth of the Son of God without any connection with Satan. This is very important knowledge, affecting the meaning of Jesus' mission. Another important knowledge recovered by essenceism is the understanding that Jesus was the New Adam who could start a new era for people, leading to the creation on Earth of a state once planned by the Creator, i.e. the reality that is to be the Kingdom of Heaven.
Finally, a very important knowledge that my analytical system brings is that Jesus did not die for our sins, as Christianity proclaims, but gave his life to proclaim the truth about the state of our world. This truth is the fact that we live under the rule of Satan, who "stole" all humanity from the Creator and who is now "the god of this world".
The essenceism system, presenting God as the Original Being, also had to refer to the findings of the Christian religion. Unfortunately, the results of essenceism analyzes are largely different from the religious findings of Christian hierarchs and theologians. They give rise to the claim that the interpretation of Jesus' teachings formed by Christian theologians is a serious distortion of what results from the meaning of His mission. For example, conditional forgiveness of people included in the content of Christian doctrine is completely different from the meaning of what results from His actions. Also, the finding of the so-called resurrection, when Jesus, after his death on the cross, showed himself as a spiritual person in the fleeting form of a human being, was only an attempt to form a strong basis for the Christian faith. Therefore, essenceism presents the view that there certainly was no such Jesus, who was "created" by Christian theologians. According to my system, most of these findings are designed to serve unquestionable dogma. In the longer term, they serve to establish the power of the clergy over the people they dominate. According to the data collected by my system, Christian hierarchs, usurping the right to full inheritance of the position of apostles, over the following centuries gradually adapted the content of Jesus' teachings to their needs. As a result, His true teachings were largely obscured. This was intended to introduce the content of Jesus' teaching that would give the clergy power over people. The clergy have always tried to impose their domination on the people, just as political leaders did. We can therefore accept the thesis that most of what Christian clergy and theologians came up with is unreliable because it comes from the "father of lies." This is evidenced by a phenomenon that Jesus himself pointed out when he claimed that the leaders of the Jewish religion were inspired by Satan. Therefore, essenceism claims that the death of Jesus was the reaction of the leaders of Judaism to the truth proclaimed by Jesus.
So, starting with the first council, Christians created a religion of power. This means that from the very beginning, Christianity gradually came under Satan's control. This is evidenced by religious crimes, the activities of the Inquisition, and especially the "altar-throne alliance." Christian leaders have committed so many crimes in modern history that it is hard to resist the conclusion that they have nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this way, Satan managed to destroy the work of the Son of God leading to the establishment on Earth of the reality prepared for humanity by the Heavenly Father.
In this situation, the world's great religions still remain passive in the face of Satan's evil rule. In addition, under the influence of Satan, they burden people with sins. Due to this, they force their believers to meet a large number of conditions in order to be accepted by some imaginary god. This is how a situation was created that constantly maintains hell, i.e. the world under Satan's rule. This makes the leaders of many religions agents of the "ruler of this world", without any insight into whether they are aware of it or not.
The above situation still maintains an earthly hell. Since ancient times, clergy in the form of various sorcerers, "holy men", "church fathers" and spiritual leaders have used their abilities and even ordinary natural phenomena to create situations that maintain their role as rulers of human conscience. This means the so-called "rule of souls". Thanks to this, the clergy has had a high position in society for thousands of years. It also gives them a secure existence, enormous wealth, and especially significant influence over political and economic leaders.
My system shows that the evil of religious organizations is due to Satan's control over them. It can even be assumed that for thousands of years they have been and still are a tool at Satan's disposal. Through them he rules the world. I would like to point out that I use these strong words to wake up religious leaders from their stagnation. My words are also an attempt to influence them to finally take up their mission, which is to cleanse the world of evil, which means removing Satan from the position of ruler of the world. If they feel incapable of this task or cannot practically mobilize people to stop participating in an activity that destroys good, then they should at least teach about who Satan is and how he rules over humanity. This should be the minimum plan for them, even though the maximum plan of the Son of God was the creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth combined with the presence of the Creator among people.