Chapter 18
Idea of the eternal existence of good
I recall what I explained in the first part of the study of essenceism. The Creator shaped man to "His image and likeness" so that man would be His perfect child who knew only goodness, that is, His Reality. As for the strength of love, which is one of the causative forces of the Original Being, its proper direction is precisely good.
Essenceism leads to the conclusion that good is a form and state "flowing out" from His Knowledge, Will and Love. It is eternal like Him. We can also call it the Word of God. At this point, essenceism offers a string of thought typical of this system. When the Word becomes flesh through a small "w", it means that the Creator performs the act of creation, summarizing his result by declaring that: "God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:24). When he becomes flesh by the big "W", it means the existence of His children. It should therefore be embodied in the form of the perfect Son of God (Adam) and the perfect daughter of God (Eve). However, this did not happen, as evidenced by the later history of mankind. This has been described in detail at the website God is unchangeable and perfect, so at the proper moment His Word must have become flesh again. This means that two thousand years ago in a similar way as at the beginning of humanity, the Son of God appeared, Jesus Christ, in whose person God's Will has become reality. In his case, that was the perfect act of the Fatherhood of God, that is, for the first time "the Word became flesh" (John 1:14).